Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about our student health insurance plans, coverage, benefits, and enrollment process in our FAQs section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical Providers

What is Student Insurance?

Why student health insurance is important?

How can I show proof of my insurance plan to my school?

Is international insurance applicable to me as an Indian student going abroad?

Is international insurance accepted in my university?

How can I cancel my Fidesure insurance plan and get a refund of the premium paid?

How to identify the plans which fulfill the waiver requirements of a university?

Will Fidesure Insurance cover 100% of my medical expenses?

Will International Insurance be eligible for a tax refund?

Can I take International Insurance after I graduate?

How to use insurance?

How much do the plans cost?

What are the payment options?

I have dual citizenship, am I eligible for Fidesure insurance plans?

What is the enrollment period for which insurance should be bought?

What is covered under my plan?

Do I need a referral to see a doctor?

Can I customize my coverage?

Will International Insurance cover me in my home country?

How can I check my waiver status?

What should I do if I do not know how to fill my online waiver?